Thursday, October 22, 2009

Parliament 22nd Oct 09 Egypt's Future an overview.

Khalid Nadim had arranged these speakers on Egypt's future and where they should go from here. Nigel Evans MP said for him the key topics on Egypt's future were, Climate Change and Education, and that 2 Billion £'s was spent each year and where was it going?? and people should listen to one another and he felt that Jamal would take over from Mubarrack eventually.
The Brotherhood holds 15th of government seats, someone interjected from the audience. "Why was there no mention of the relationship of the Government, and Hamas and Fatah" this was a member of the Damiyeta Civil Society. Then it was mentioned that the money was coming from Iran from a Sunni province inside the Brotherhood. Iran is specifically supporting the Jundale report. Mr Tony Lerman again reiterated his support for the women of that area. The situation in Gaza: Egypt is playing a treacherous role at the Raffa crossing which could be seen as very sadistic. Islam seems to be in a juxposition role with religion being in the firing line and the Arabs are in control with their hand on the door handle, How far can they go? The Egyptian people are behind the people of Gaza, as Dr Maria Kuma said and she brought up the issue of Women, which became a "hot topic" as 64 seats had been allocated in June 2005 and 8 wealthy women had been appointed by the President but four ladies had been elected.


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Anonymous said...

It is rather interesting for me to read the article. Thanks for it. I like such topics and everything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.

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