Thursday, April 03, 2008

Tiny Party Shows Large Clout on Settlements

If the USA is going to role over like some timid mouse - the Middle East Peace Process is doomed before it's begun. See this story sent through by Dajani at ATFP:

By Griff WitteWashington Post Foreign Service Wednesday, April 2, 2008; Page A09
JERUSALEM, April 1 -- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice left Israel on Monday having failed to persuade leaders here to halt settlement construction on occupied Palestinian land. But the setback for Rice was a victory for Rabbi Ovadia Yossef, the spiritual leader of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party.
Within hours of Rice's departure, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was on the phone with Yossef to tell him that plans for building 800 new homes in the West Bank settlement of Betar Illit had been approved, according to two Shas officials, just as Shas had requested.

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