Thursday, August 02, 2007

Jaweed Al Ghussein

Stephen Desmond sends this item. I wonder how much of the real story his program will tell - of the many trips to Gaza by people like myself and Lord Stone, of the intervention by Herschel and Rabbi Melchior, of the role of Maie Sarraf and of the extraordinary chain of events. I bet you the involvment of the NCF won't be mentioned. But such is life - how much can you do in one short film. It was a terrible time. A real injustice. And representative of many such instances of imprisonment without trial by all sides - commonplace in these days of Guantanamo of course.

Please click here to view a trailer for a new Al Jazeera film about Jaweed Al Ghussein. Mona Bauwens Al Ghussein describes her father's abduction at the hands of Yasser Arafat:


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